how to make ster effect led chaser - amazing effect led blinking

3 channel star effect led chaser - amazing effect led blinking

Friend this a funny project for my all views  | best room decoration Christmas led chaser  We can using this circuit to make the led chaser in a random pattern according to the slight differences in the three Schmitt Trigger oscillators | work this led chaser same time differences capacitor charge or discharge change the BC transistor bass volt just simply work this circuit diagram
the led chaser glow same time differences led glow look like night sky star so amazing

this project use three BC547 NPN transistor / three 470uf/35v capacitor / three 1k resistor / three 2M resistor | 9voltage battery |

circuit diagram

Transistor bc547  pin2 base  pin connect 2 mega resistor bc547 pin 1collector connect 1k resistor & led +pin bc547 pin 3 emitter pin connect capacitor + pin  3capacitor - pin & led - pin connect together for common -volt all resistor opposite side together connect for +V

led chaser circuit diagram

led bord

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