Obstacle Detector circuit / IR Proximity Sensor / LM358 Op-Amp projects

Obstacle Detector circuit / 
IR Proximity Sensor
hello friend today I am going to make an Obstacle Detector circuit / IR Proximity Sensor / LM358 Op-Amp projects and a detailed explanation on how the circuit works  | I am trying to make this circuit very simply the easy way | lm358 ic you can use two pairs of ir proximity sensors together if you want you can use two separate outputs you can control the signals of the two outputs separately this means you can turn 2 relays on and off by this circuit 

The Schematic for this IR proximity sensor circuit is at the end of this article

Components list

  1. LM358 IC
  1. infrared led photodiode pair
  2. Resistors 10k / 220R
  3. VR 10K
  4. 3.5mm LED
about work, This circuit can also function as an Infrared receiver and any Object detector, how this project works in darkness and light

LM358 pinout

pin 1 output (a)

pin 2 inv. input (a)

pin 3 non.inv. input (a)

pin 4 V - GND

pin 5 non.inv. input (b)

pin 6 inv. input (b)

pin 7 output (b)

pin 8 V+

IR Proximity Sensor circuit diagram  

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